Sunday, July 1, 2007

Baltimore Applique revisited..again.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Here's an old online journal I started three years ago after my second stint at Elly's Applique Academy in
Well..I'm taking another Baltimore class at Material Things this summer. Our first lesson is the Fleur de Lis-an easy block I've already made a few times. Now for the background fabric decision, in case I decide to actually make an entire quilt. The Kona Snow is so classic and the appliques won't shadow through its thick surface. Kona's a bitch to reverse applique on, though; it frays horribly. I like the Moda Textures off-white but it's kind of thin and Andi may not be able to get a bolt of it for me.Later this summer, I'm going to Nashville for the AQS show and a class or two with Hawaiian Applique Queen, Nancy Chong. Hopefully, this will work out. I've had bad experiences taking a bunch of classes from the same teacher..(can you say 'Dear Jane'?)Susan and I got our class with Irma Gail next spring in Paducah. We've been stalking her in earnest and hoping she'd teach something we could attend.

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