How cool is this quilt? Barb and I decided to order the patterns after
Barb saw it in person at the Asheville Kaffe lecture in October. We're being a bit obsessive-blowing up the individual blocks, matching the fabric exactly, going to extremes to acquire out-of-print fabric. It's been sooo much fun!
Barb saw it in person at the Asheville Kaffe lecture in October. We're being a bit obsessive-blowing up the individual blocks, matching the fabric exactly, going to extremes to acquire out-of-print fabric. It's been sooo much fun!
We're trying to do two blocks a month since we have a ton of other projects going at the same time. In December we'll only do one, though, because our families expect us to spend time with them.
My Kaffe stash fairly extensive. There was still some real hesitancy on my part to share with my friend, Barb, ... even though she was sharing with me!
Ha, ha. I'm such a selfish bitch!